SimpleDBM RSS User’s Manual

Author:Dibyendu Majumdar
Contact:d dot majumdar at gmail dot com
Date:7 April 2009
Copyright:Copyright by Dibyendu Majumdar, 2007-2016


This document describes the SimpleDBM RSS API.

Intended Audience

This documented is targetted at users of SimpleDBM.

Pre-requisite Reading

Before reading this document, the reader is advised to go through the SimpleDBM Overview document.

SimpleDBM Servers and Databases


A SimpleDBM server is a set of background threads and a library of API calls that clients can hook into. The background threads take care of various tasks, such as writing out buffer pages, writing out logs, archiving older log files, creating checkpoints, etc.

A SimpleDBM server operates on a set of data and index files, known as the SimpleDBM database.

Only one server instance is allowed to access a SimpleDBM database at any point in time. SimpleDBM uses a lock file to detect multiple concurrent access to a database, and will refuse to start if it detects that a server is already accessing a database.

Internally, SimpleDBM operates on logical entities called Storage Containers. From an implementation point of view, Storage Containers are mapped to files.

Tables and Indexes are stored in Containers known as TupleContainers and IndexContainers, respectively.

The SimpleDBM database initially consists of a set of transaction log files, a lock file and a special container used internally by SimpleDBM.

Creating a SimpleDBM database

A SimpleDBM database is created by a call to Server.create(), as shown below:

import org.simpledbm.rss.main.Server;
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("log.ctl.1", "ctl.a");
properties.setProperty("log.ctl.2", "ctl.b");
properties.setProperty("log.groups.1.path", ".");
properties.setProperty("log.archive.path", ".");
properties.setProperty("", "3");
properties.setProperty("log.file.size", "16384");
properties.setProperty("log.buffer.size", "16384");
properties.setProperty("log.buffer.limit", "4");
properties.setProperty("log.flush.interval", "5");


The Server.create() method accepts a Properties object as the sole argument. The Properties object can be used to pass a number of parameters. The available options are shown below:

Server Options

Property Name Description
log.ctl.{n} The fully qualified path to the log control file. The first file should be specified as log.ctl.1, second as log.ctl.2, and so on. Up to a maximum of 3 can be specified. Default is 2.
log.groups.{n}.path The path where log files of a group should be stored. The first log group is specified as log.groups.1.path, the second as log.groups.2.path, and so on. Up to a maximum of 3 log groups can be specified. Default number of groups is 1. Path defaults to current directory.
log.archive.path Defines the path for storing archive files. Defaults to current directory. Specifies the number of log files within each group. Up to a maximum of 8 are allowed. Defaults to 2.
log.file.size Specifies the size of each log file in bytes. Default is 2 KB.
log.buffer.size Specifies the size of the log buffer in bytes. Default is 2 KB.
log.buffer.limit Sets a limit on the maximum number of log buffers that can be allocated. Default is 10 *
log.flush.interval Sets the interval (in seconds) between log flushes. Default is 6 seconds.
log.disableFlushRequests Boolean value, if set, disables log flushes requested explicitly by the Buffer Manager or Transaction Manager. Log flushes still occur during checkpoints and log switches. By reducing the log flushes, performance is improved, but transactions may not be durable. Only those transactions will survive a system crash that have all their log records on disk.
storage.basePath Defines the base location of the SimpleDBM database. All files and directories are created relative to this location.
storage.createMode Defines mode in which files will be created. Default is "rws".
storage.openMode Defines mode in which files will be opened. Default is "rws".
storage.flushMode Defines mode in which files will be flushed. Possible values are noforce, force.true (default), and force.false
bufferpool.numbuffers Sets the number of buffers to be created in the Buffer Pool.
bufferpool.writerSleepInterval Sets the interval in milliseconds between each run of the BufferWriter. Note that BufferWriter may run earlier than the specified interval if the pool runs out of buffers, and a new page has to be read in. In such cases, the Buffer Writer may be manually triggered to clean out buffers.
lock.deadlock.detection.interval Sets the interval in seconds between deadlock scans. Specifies the name of logging properties file. Precede classpath: if you want SimpleDBM to search for this file in the classpath. Specify "log4j" if you want to SimpleDBM to use Log4J for generating log messages.
transaction.lock.timeout Specifies the default lock timeout value in seconds. Default is 60 seconds.
transaction.ckpt.interval Specifies the interval between checkpoints in milliseconds. Default is 15000 milliseconds (15 secs).

The Server.create() call will overwrite any existing database in the specified storage path, so it must be called only when you know for sure that you want to create a database.

Opening a database

Once a database has been created, it can be opened by creating an instance of SimpleDBM server, and starting it. The same properties that were supplied while creating the database, can be supplied when starting it.

Here is a code snippet that shows how this is done:

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("log.ctl.1", "ctl.a");
properties.setProperty("log.ctl.2", "ctl.b");
properties.setProperty("log.groups.1.path", ".");
properties.setProperty("log.archive.path", ".");
properties.setProperty("", "3");
properties.setProperty("log.file.size", "16384");
properties.setProperty("log.buffer.size", "16384");
properties.setProperty("log.buffer.limit", "4");
properties.setProperty("log.flush.interval", "5");

Server server = new Server(properties);
try {
  // do some work
finally {

Some points to bear in mind when starting SimpleDBM server instances:

  1. Make sure that you invoke shutdown() eventually to ensure proper shutdown of the database.
  2. Database startup/shutdown is relatively expensive, so do it only once during the life-cycle of your application.
  3. A Server object can be used only once - after calling shutdown(), it is an error to do any operation with the server object.

Managing log messages

SimpleDBM has support for JDK 1.4 style logging as well as Log4J logging. By default, if Log4J library is available on the classpath, SimpleDBM will use it. Otherwise, JDK 1.4 util.logging package is used.

You can specify the type of logging to be used using the Server Property If this is set to “log4j”, SimpleDBM will use Log4J logging. Any other value causes SimpleDBM to use default JDK logging.

The configuration of the logging can be specified using a properties file. The name and location of the properties file is specified using the Server property If the filename is prefixed with the string “classpath:”, then SimpleDBM will search for the properties file in the classpath. Otherwise, the filename is searched for in the current filesystem.

A sample logging properties file is shown below. Note that this sample contains both JDK style and Log4J style configuration.:

#      JDK 1.4 Logging
handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
.level= INFO

java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = simpledbm.log.%g
java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 50000
java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 1
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = ALL

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = ALL

org.simpledbm.registry.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.bufmgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.indexmgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.storagemgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.walogmgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.lockmgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.freespacemgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.slotpagemgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.transactionmgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.tuplemgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.latchmgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.pagemgr.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.rss.util.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.util.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.server.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.trace.level = INFO
org.simpledbm.database.level = INFO

# Default Log4J configuration

# Console appender
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %p %c %m%n

# File Appender
log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %p %c %m%n

# Root logger set to DEBUG using the A1 and A2 appenders defined above.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A1, A2

# Various loggers

By default, SimpleDBM looks for a logging properties file named “”.

Common Infrastructure

Object Registry


SimpleDBM uses a custom serialization mechanism for marshalling and unmarshalling objects to/from byte streams. When an object is marshalled, a two-byte code is stored in the first two bytes of the byte stream [1]. This identifies the class of the stored object. When reading back, the type code is used to lookup a factory for creating the object of the correct class.

[1]In some cases the type code is not stored, as it can be determined through some other means.

The SimpleDBM serialization mechanism does not use the Java Serialization framework.

Central to the SimpleDBM serialization mechanism is the ObjectRegistry module. The ObjectRegistry provides the coupling between SimpleDBM serialization mechanism and its clients. For instance, index key types, table row types, etc. are registered in SimpleDBM’s ObjectRegistry and thereby made available to SimpleDBM. You will see how this is done when we discuss Tables and Indexes.

To allow SimpleDBM to serialize and deserialize an object from a byte-stream, you must:

  1. Assign a unique 2-byte (short) type code to the class. Because the type code gets recorded in persistent storage, it must be stable, i.e., once registered, the type code association for a class must remain constant for the life span of the the database.
  2. Ensure that the class implements a constructor that takes a ByteBuffer argument. The constructor should expect the first two bytes to contain the typecode for the class.
  3. Ensure that the class implements the Storable interface. The stored length of an object of the class must allow for the 2-byte type code.
  4. Provide an implementation of the org.simpledbm.rss.api.registry.ObjectFactory interface, and register this implementation with the ObjectRegistry.

An important consideration is to ensure that all the required classes are available to a SimpleDBM RSS instance at startup.

A limitation of the current design is that the type registrations are not held in persistent storage. Since all type mappings must be available to SimpleDBM server when it is starting up (as these may be involved in recovery) you need to ensure that custom type mappings are registered to the ObjectRegistry immediately after the server instance is constructed, but before the server is started. Typically this is handled by requiring each module to register its own types.

Type codes between the range 0-1000 are reserved for use by SimpleDBM.

Two Use cases

The ObjectRegistry supports two use cases.

  • The first use case is where the client registers an ObjectFactory implementation. In this case, ObjectRegistry can construct the correct object from a byte stream on request. By taking care of the common case, the client code is simplified.
  • The second case is when the client has a more complex requirement and wants to manage the instantiation of objects. In this scenario, the client registers a singleton class and associates this with the type code. The ObjectRegistry will return the registered singleton object when requested.

Registering an ObjectFactory

In the simple case, an ObjectFactory implementation needs to be registered for a particular type code.

In the example shown below, objects of the class MyObject are to be persisted:

public final class MyObject implements Storable {
  final int value;

   * Constructs a MyObject from a byte stream.
  public MyObject(ByteBuffer buf) {
    // skip the type code
    // now get the value
    value = buf.getInt();

  /* Storable methods not shown */

Points worth noting are:

  • The MyObject class provides a constructor that takes a ByteBuffer as an argument. This is important as it allows the object to use final fields, allowing the class to be immutable.
  • The constructor skips the first two bytes which contain the type code.

We need an ObjectFactory implementation that constructs the MyObject instances. The implementation is relatively straightforward:

class MyObjectFactory implements ObjectFactory {
  Object getInstance(ByteBuffer buf) {
    return new MyObject(buf);

Next, we register the ObjectFactory implementation with the ObjectRegistry.:

objectRegistry.registerObjectFactory(1, new MyObjectFactory());

Given above registration, it is possible to construct MyObject instances as follows:

ByteBuffer buf = ...;
MyObject o = (MyObject) objectRegistry.getInstance(buf);

This pattern is used throughout SimpleDBM RSS.

Asymmetry between retrieving and storing objects

The reader may have noticed that the ObjectFactory says nothing about how objects are marshalled into a byte stream. It only deals with the unmarshalling of objects.

The marshalling is handled by the object itself. All objects that support marshalling are required to implement the Storable interface.

Storable Interface and Object serialization

Classes that need serialization support should implement the interface org.simpledbm.rss.api.registry.Storable. The Storable interface requires the object to be able to predict its persistent size in bytes when the getStoredLength() method is invoked. It also requires the implementation to be able to stream itself to a ByteBuffer.

The Storable interface specification is as follows:

 * A Storable object can be written to (stored into) or
 * read from (retrieved from) a ByteBuffer. The object
 * must be able to predict its length in bytes;
 * this not only allows clients to allocate ByteBuffer
 * objects of suitable size, it is also be used by a
 * StorageContainer to ensure that objects can be
 * restored from secondary storage.
public interface Storable {

   * Store this object into the supplied ByteBuffer in
   * a format that can be subsequently used to reconstruct the
   * object. ByteBuffer is assumed to be setup
   * correctly for writing.
   * @param bb ByteBuffer that will contain a stored
   *           representation of the object.
  void store(ByteBuffer bb);

   * Predict the length of this object in bytes when
   * stored in a ByteBuffer.
   * @return The length of this object when stored in
   *         a ByteBuffer.
  int getStoredLength();

The implementation of the store() method must be the inverse of the constructor that takes the ByteBuffer argument.

A complete example of the MyObject class will look like this:

public final class MyObject implements Storable {
  final int value;

   * Constructs a MyObject from a byte stream.
  public MyObject(ByteBuffer buf) {
    // skip the type code
    // now get the value
    value = buf.getInt();

  public int getStoredLength() {
    return 6;

   * Serialize to a ByteBuffer object.
  public void store(ByteBuffer bb) {
    bb.putShort((short) 1);

Registering Singletons

In some cases, the requirements for constructing objects are complex enough for the client to manage it itself. In this case, the client provides a singleton object that is registered with the ObjectRegistry. The ObjectRegistry.getSingleton(int typecode) method retrieves the Singleton object. Typically, the singleton is a factory class that can be used to create new instances of objects.


Most SimpleDBM operations take place in the context of a Transaction. Following are the main API calls for managing transactions.

Creating new Transactions

To start a new Transaction, invoke the Server.begin() method as shown below. You must supply an IsolationMode, try READ_COMMITTED to start with.:

Server server = ...;

// Start a new Transaction
Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);

Isolation Modes are discussed in more detail in Isolation Modes.

Working with Transactions

Transaction API

The Transaction interface provides the following methods for clients to invoke:

public interface Transaction {

   * Creates a transaction savepoint.
  public Savepoint createSavepoint(boolean saveCursors);

   * Commits the transaction. All locks held by the
   * transaction are released.
  public void commit();

   * Rolls back a transaction upto a savepoint. Locks acquired
   * since the Savepoint are released. PostCommitActions queued
   * after the Savepoint was created are discarded.
  public void rollback(Savepoint sp);

   * Aborts the transaction, undoing all changes and releasing
   * locks.
  public void abort();


A transaction must always be either committed or aborted. Failure to do so will lead to resource leaks, such as locks, which will not be released. The correct way to work with transactions is shown below:

// Start a new Transaction
Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
boolean success = false;
try {
  // do some work and if this is completed succesfully ...
  // set success to true.
  success = true;
finally {
  if (success) {
  else {

Transaction Savepoints

You can create transaction savepoints at any point in time. When you create a savepoint, you need to decide whether the scans associated with the transaction should save their state so that in the event of a rollback, they can be restored to the state they were in at the time of the savepoint. This is important if you intend to use the scans after you have performed a rollback to savepoint.

Bear in mind that in certain IsolationModes, locks are released as the scan cursor moves, When using such an IsolationMode, rollback to a Savepoint can fail if after the rollback, the scan cursor cannot be positioned on a suitable location, for example, if a deadlock occurs when it attempts to reacquire lock on the previous location. Also, in case the location itself is no longer valid, perhaps due to a delete operation by some other transaction, then the scan may position itself on the next available location.

If you are preserving cursor state during savepoints, be prepared that in certain IsolationModes, a rollback may fail due to locking, or the scan may not be able to reposition itself on exactly the same location.



SimpleDBM provides support for tables with variable length records. The container for a table is known as TupleContainer. As far as SimpleDBM is concerned, a row in a TupleContainer is just a blob of data; it can contain anything you like. SimpleDBM will automatically break up a large row into smaller chunks so the chunks can be stored in individual data pages. This chunking is transparent from a client perspective, as the client only ever sees full records.

Creating a TupleContainer

When you create a TupleContainer, you must supply a name for the container, a unique numeric ID which should not be in use by any other container, and the extent size. For efficiency, SimpleDBM allocates space in extents; an extent is simply a set of contiguous pages.:

 * Creates a new Tuple Container.
 * @param trx Transaction to be used for creating the container
 * @param name Name of the container
 * @param containerId A numeric ID for the container - must
 *                    be unique for each container
 * @param extentSize The number of pages that should be part
 *                   of each extent in the container
public void createTupleContainer(Transaction trx, String name,
 int containerId, int extentSize);

Note that the createTupleContainer() method requires a Transaction. Given below is an example of how a tuple container may be created. In this instance, we are creating a TupleContainer named “test.db”, which will be assigned container ID 1, and will have an extent size of 20 pages.:

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
boolean success = false;
try {
  server.createTupleContainer(trx, "test.db", 1, 20);
  success = true;
finally {
  if (success)
When you create a Container it is exclusively locked. The lock is released when you commit or abort the transaction. The exclusive lock prevents any other transaction from manipulating the container while it is being created.
You should create standalone transactions for creating containers, and commit the transaction as soon as the container has been created.

Accessing a TupleContainer

To manipulate a TupleContainer, you must first get access to it. This is done by invoking the getTupleContainer() method provided by the SimpleDBM Server object. Note that when you access a TupleContainer in this way, a shared lock is placed on the container. This prevents other transactions from deleting the container while you are working with it. However, other transactions can perform row level operations on the same container concurrently.:

Server server ...

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
try {
  boolean success = false
  TupleContainer container = server.getTupleContainer(trx, 1);
  // do something
  success = true;
finally {
  if (success)

Inserting tuples

SimpleDBM treats tuples (rows) as blobs of data, and does not care about the internal structure of a tuple. The only requirement is that a tuple must implement the Storable interface.

An insert operation is split into two steps. In the first step, the initial chunk of the tuple is inserted and a Location assigned to the tuple. At this point, you can do other things such as add entries to indexes.

You complete the insert as a second step. At this point, if the tuple was larger than the space allowed for in the first chunk, additional chunks get created and allocated for the tuple.

The reason for the two step operation is to ensure that for large tuples that span multiple pages, the insert does not proceed until it is certain that the insert will be successful. It is assumed that once the indexes have been successfully updated, in particular, the primary key has been created, then the insert can proceed.

In the example below, we insert a tuple of type ByteString, which is a Storable wrapper for String objects.:

Server server ...

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
try {
  boolean success = false
  TupleContainer container = server.getTupleContainer(trx, 1);
  TupleInserter inserter =
    container.insert(trx, new ByteString("Hello World!"));
  Location location = inserter.getLocation();

  // Create index entires here

  success = true;
finally {
  if (success)

Reading tuples

In order to read tuples, you must open a scan. A scan is a mechanism for accessing tuples one by one. You can open Index Scans (described in next chapter) or Tuple Scans. A Tuple Scan directly scans a TupleContainer. Compared to index scans, tuple scans are unordered, and do not support Serializable or Repeatable Read lock modes. Another limitation at present is that tuple scans do not save their state during savepoints, and therefore cannot restore their state in the event of a rollback to a savepoint.:

Server server ...

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
try {
  boolean success = false
  TupleContainer container = server.getTupleContainer(trx, 1);
  TupleScan scan = container.openScan(trx, false);
  while (scan.fetchNext()) {
    byte[] data = scan.getCurrentTuple();
    // Do somthing with the tuple data
  success = true;
finally {
  if (success)

Updating tuples

In order to update a tuple, you must first obtain its Location using a scan. typically, if you intend to update the tuple, you should open the scan in UPDATE mode. This is done by supplying a boolean true as the second argument to openScan() method.

Note that in the current implementation of SimpleDBM, the space allocated to a tuple is never reduced, even if the tuple grows smaller due to updates.:

Server server ...

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
try {
  boolean success = false
  TupleContainer container = server.getTupleContainer(trx, 1);
  TupleScan scan = container.openScan(trx, true);
  while (scan.fetchNext()) {
    Location location = scan.getCurrentLocation();
    byte[] data = scan.getCurrentTuple();
    // Do somthing with the tuple data
    // Assume updatedTuple contains update tuple data.
    Storable updatedTuple = ... ;
    // Update the tuple
    container.update(trx, location, updatedTuple);
  success = true;
finally {
  if (success)

Deleting tuples

Tuple deletes are done in a similar way as tuple updates. Start a scan in UPDATE mode, if you intend to delete tuples during the scan. Here is an example:

Server server ...

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
try {
  boolean success = false
  TupleContainer container = server.getTupleContainer(trx, 1);
  TupleScan scan = container.openScan(trx, true);
  while (scan.fetchNext()) {
    Location location = scan.getCurrentLocation();
    container.delete(trx, location);
  success = true;
finally {
  if (success)


Index Keys

Index Keys are the searchable attributes stored in the Index. This module specifies Index Keys in a fairly general way:

public interface IndexKey
  extends Storable, Comparable<IndexKey> {

   * Used mainly for building test cases; this method should
   * parse the input string and initialize itself. The contents
   * of the string is expected to match the toString() output.
  void parseString(String string);

The requirements for an IndexKey are fairly simple. The key must be Storable and Comparable. Note that this interface does not say anything about the internal structure of the key; in particular it does not specify whether the key contains multiple attributes. This is deliberate, as it makes the Index Manager module more generic.

Depending upon the implementation, there may be restricions on the size of the key. For instance, in the SimpleDBM BTree implementation, the key should not exceed 1/8th of the page size, ie, 1KB in a 8KB page.

Index Key Factories

An Index Key Factory is used to create new keys. In addition to normal keys, an Index Key Factory must be able to create two special type of keys:

This is a special key that represents negative infinity. All valid keys must be greater than this key.
This is a special key that represents positive infinity. All valid keys must be less than this key.

The special keys are used by the Index Manager internally. You can also specify the MinKey when opening a scan, to effectively start the scan from the first available key.:

public interface IndexKeyFactory {

   * Generates a new (empty) key for the specified
   * Container. The Container ID is meant to be used as key
   * for locating information specific to a container; for
   * instance, the attributes of an Index.
   * @param containerId ID of the container for which a key
   *                    is required
  IndexKey newIndexKey(int containerId);

   * Generates a key that represents Infinity - it must be
   * greater than all possible keys in the domain for the key.
   * The Container ID is meant to be used as key
   * for locating information specific to a container; for
   * instance, the attributes of an Index.
   * @param containerId ID of the container for which a key
   *                    is required
  IndexKey maxIndexKey(int containerId);

   * Generates a key that represents negative Infinity - it
   * must be smaller than all possible keys in the domain for
   * the key. The Container ID is meant to be used as key
   * for locating information specific to a container; for
   * instance, the attributes of an Index.
   * The key returned by this method can be used as an
   * argument to index scans. The result will be a scan of
   * the index starting from the first key in the index.
   * @param containerId ID of the container for which a key
   * is required
  IndexKey minIndexKey(int containerId);

An implementation is free to use any method it likes for identifying keys that represent MinKey and MaxKey, as long as it ensures that these keys will obey the contract defined above.

The methods of IndexKeyFactory take the container ID as a parameter. In SimpleDBM, each index is stored in a separate container, hence container ID is used as a mechanism for identifying the index. The IndexKeyFactory implementation is expected to use the container ID to determine the type of index key to create. For example, it may consult a data dictionary to determine the type of key attributes required by the index key.


Given below is an example of an IndexKey implementation. This implementation uses a special byte field to maintain the status information.:

public class IntegerKey implements IndexKey {

  private static final byte NULL_FIELD = 1;
  private static final byte MINUS_INFINITY_FIELD = 2;
  private static final byte VALUE_FIELD = 4;
  private static final byte PLUS_INFINITY_FIELD = 8;

  private byte statusByte = NULL_FIELD;
  private int value;

  public IntegerKey() {
    statusByte = NULL_FIELD;

  public IntegerKey(int value) {
    statusByte = VALUE_FIELD;
    this.value = value;

  protected IntegerKey(byte statusByte, int value) {
    this.statusByte = statusByte;
    this.value = value;

  public int getValue() {
    if (statusByte != VALUE_FIELD) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Value has not been set");
    return value;

  public void setValue(int i) {
    value = i;
    statusByte = VALUE_FIELD;

  public void retrieve(ByteBuffer bb) {
    statusByte = bb.get();
    value = bb.getInt();

  public void store(ByteBuffer bb) {

  public int getStoredLength() {
    return 5;

  public int compareTo(IndexKey key) {
    if (key == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied key is null");
    if (key == this) {
      return 0;
    if (key.getClass() != getClass()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Supplied key is not of the correct type");
    IntegerKey other = (IntegerKey) key;
    int result = statusByte - other.statusByte;
    if (result == 0 && statusByte == VALUE_FIELD) {
      result = value - other.value;
    return result;

  public final boolean isNull() {
    return statusByte == NULL_FIELD;

  public final boolean isMinKey() {
    return statusByte == MINUS_INFINITY_FIELD;

  public final boolean isMaxKey() {
    return statusByte == PLUS_INFINITY_FIELD;

  public final boolean isValue() {
    return statusByte == VALUE_FIELD;

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (o == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied key is null");
    if (o == this) {
      return true;
    if (o == null || !(o instanceof IntegerKey)) {
      return false;
    return compareTo((IntegerKey) o) == 0;

  public void parseString(String s) {
    if ("<NULL>".equals(s)) {
      statusByte = NULL_FIELD;
    } else if ("<MINKEY>".equals(s)) {
      statusByte = MINUS_INFINITY_FIELD;
    } else if ("<MAXKEY>".equals(s)) {
      statusByte = PLUS_INFINITY_FIELD;
    } else {
      value = Integer.parseInt(s);
      statusByte = VALUE_FIELD;

  public String toString() {
    if (isNull()) {
      return "<NULL>";
    } else if (isMinKey()) {
      return "<MINKEY>";
    } else if (isMaxKey()) {
      return "<MAXKEY>";
    } else {
      return Integer.toString(value);

  public static IntegerKey createNullKey() {
    return new IntegerKey(NULL_FIELD, 0);

  public static IntegerKey createMinKey() {
    return new IntegerKey(MINUS_INFINITY_FIELD, 0);

  public static IntegerKey createMaxKey() {
    return new IntegerKey(PLUS_INFINITY_FIELD, 0);

Shown below is the corresponding IndexKeyFactory implementation.:

public class IntegerKeyFactory implements IndexKeyFactory {

  public IndexKey maxIndexKey(int containerId) {
    return IntegerKey.createMaxKey();

  public IndexKey minIndexKey(int containerId) {
    return IntegerKey.createMinKey();

  public IndexKey newIndexKey(int containerId) {
    return IntegerKey.createNullKey();

The example shown above is a simple key. It is possible to create multi-attribute keys as well. For an example of how this can be done, please see the sample typesystem package supplied with SimpleDBM, and the sample project tupledemo.


Indexes contain pointers to tuple data. When you insert a tuple in a tuple container, a location is assigned to the tuple. This location can be stored in an index to point to the tuple.

Creating a new index

Following code snippet shows the steps required to create a new index.:


Server server = ...;
IndexKeyFactory indexKeyFactory = ...;

// Register key factory

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
boolean success = false;
try {
  int containerId = 1;
  int extentSize = 8;
  boolean isUnique = true;
  server.createIndex(trx, "testbtree.dat",
    containerId, extentSize, INDEX_KEY_FACTORY_TYPE,
  success = true;
} finally {
  if (success)

Obtaining index instance

In order to manipulate an index, you must first obtain an instance of the index. This is shown below.

Transaction trx = ...;
int containerId = 1;
IndexContainer index = server.getIndex(trx, containerId);

This operation causes a SHARED mode lock to be placed on the container ID. This lock is to prevent other transactions from dropping the container. Concurrent insert, delete and scan operations are permitted, however.

Working with keys

Adding a key

The API for inserting new keys is shown below.

public interface IndexContainer {
   * Inserts a new key and location. If the Index is unique,
   * only one instance of key is allowed. In non-unique indexes,
   * multiple instances of the same key may exist, but only
   * one instance of the combination of key/location
   * is allowed.
   * The caller must obtain a Shared lock on the Index
   * Container prior to this call.
   * The caller must acquire an Exclusive lock on Location
   * before this call.
   * @param trx Transaction managing the insert
   * @param key Key to be inserted
   * @param location Location associated with the key
  public void insert(Transaction trx, IndexKey key,
                     Location location);

To add a key, you need the IndexKey instance and the Location. The most common use case is to insert the keys after inserting a tuple in a tuple container. An example of this is shown below:

Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
boolean success = false;
try {
  TupleContainer table = server.getTupleContainer(
    trx, TABLE_CONTNO);
  IndexContainer primaryIndex =
    server.getIndex(trx, PKEY_CONTNO);
  IndexContainer secondaryIndex =
    server.getIndex(trx, SKEY1_CONTNO);

  // First lets create a new row and lock the location
  TupleInserter inserter = table.insert(trx, tableRow);

  // Insert the primary key - may fail with unique constraint
  // violation
  primaryIndex.insert(trx, primaryKeyRow,

  // Insert seconary key
  secondaryIndex.insert(trx, secondaryKeyRow,

  // Complete the insert - may be a no-op.
  success = true;
} finally {
  if (success) {
  } else {

Above example is taken from the sample tupledemo.

Deleting a key

Deleting a key is very similar to adding a key. First lets look at the API.

public interface IndexContainer {
   * Deletes specified key and location.
   * The caller must obtain a Shared lock on the Index
   * Container prior to this call.
   * The caller must acquire an Exclusive lock on Location
   * before this call.
   * @param trx Transaction managing the delete
   * @param key Key to be deleted
   * @param location Location associated with the key
  public void delete(Transaction trx, IndexKey key,
                     Location location);

Again we take an example from the tupledemo sample (note that the code has been simplified a bit).

// Start a new transaction
Transaction trx = server.begin(IsolationMode.READ_COMMITTED);
boolean success = false;
try {
  TupleContainer table =
    server.getTupleContainer(trx, TABLE_CONTNO);
  IndexContainer primaryIndex =
    server.getIndex(trx, PKEY_CONTNO);

  // Start a scan, with the primary key as argument
  IndexScan indexScan = primaryIndex.openScan(trx, primaryKeyRow,
    null, true);
  if (indexScan.fetchNext()) {
    // Scan always return item >= search key, so let's
    // check if we had an exact match
    boolean matched = indexScan.getCurrentKey().equals(
    try {
      if (matched) {
        Location location = indexScan.getCurrentLocation();
        // Delete tuple data
        table.delete(trx, location);
        // Delete primary key
        primaryIndex.delete(trx, primaryKeyRow, location);
    } finally {
  success = true;
} finally {
  if (success) {
  } else {

Prior to deleting the key, the associated location must be exclusively locked for commit duration. Fortunately, when you delete a tuple, it is locked exclusively, hence in the example shown above, there is no need for the Location to be locked again.

Above example demonstrates also a very common use case, ie, scanning an index in UPDATE mode and then carrying out modifications.

Scanning keys

Isolation Modes

Before describing how to scan keys within an Index, it is necessary to describe the various lock isolation modes supported by SimpleDBM.

Common Behaviour

Following behaviour is common across all lock isolation modes.

  1. All locking is on Tuple Locations (rowids) only.
  2. When a tuple is inserted or deleted, its Location is first locked in EXCLUSIVE mode, the tuple is inserted or deleted from data page, and only after that, indexes are modified.
  3. Updates to indexed columns are treated as key deletes followed by key inserts. The updated row is locked in EXCLUSIVE mode before indexes are modified.
  4. When fetching, the index is looked up first, which causes a SHARED or UPDATE mode lock to be placed on the row, before the data pages are accessed.

Read Committed/Cursor Stability

During scans, the tuple location is locked in SHARED or UPDATE mode while the cursor is positioned on the key. The lock on current location is released before the cursor moves to the next key.

Repeatable Read (RR)

SHARED mode locks obtained on tuple locations during scans are retained until the transaction completes. UPDATE mode locks are downgraded to SHARED mode when the cursor moves.


Same as Repeatable Read, with additional locking (next key) during scans to prevent phantom reads.

Scanning API

Opening an IndexScan requires you to specify a start condition. If you want to start from the beginning, then you may specify null values as the start key/location.

In SimpleDBM, scans do not have a stop key. Instead, a scan starts fetching data from the first key/location that is greater or equal to the supplied start key/location. You must determine whether the fetched key satisfies the search criteria or not. If the fetched key no longer meets the search criteria, you should call fetchCompleted() with a false value, indicating that there is no need to fetch any more keys. This then causes the scan to reach logical EOF.

The API for index scans is shown below:

public interface IndexContainer {

   * Opens a new index scan. The Scan will fetch keys >= the
   * specified key and location. Before returning fetched keys,
   * the associated Location objects will be locked. The lock
   * mode depends upon the forUpdate flag. The IsolationMode
   * of the transaction determines when lock are released.
   * Caller must obtain a Shared lock on the Index Container
   * prior to calling this method.
   * @param trx Transaction that will manage locks obtained
   *            by the scan
   * @param key The starting key to be searched for
   * @param location The starting location to be searched for.
   * @param forUpdate If this set, UPDATED mode locks will
   *                  be acquired, else SHARED mode locks will
   *                  be acquired.
  public IndexScan openScan(Transaction trx, IndexKey key,
    Location location, boolean forUpdate);


public interface IndexScan {

   * Fetches the next available key from the Index.
   * Handles the situation where current key has been deleted.
   * Note that prior to returning the key the Location
   * object associated with the key is locked.
   * After fetching an index row, typically, data must
   * be fetched from associated tuple container. Locks
   * obtained by the fetch protect such access. After
   * tuple has been fetched, caller must invoke
   * fetchCompleted() to ensure that locks are released
   * in certain lock isolation modes. Failure to do so will
   * cause extra locking.
  public boolean fetchNext();

   * In certain isolation modes, releases locks acquired
   * by fetchNext(). Must be invoked after the data from
   * associated tuple container has been fetched.
   * If the argument matched is set to false, the scan
   * is assumed to have reached eof of file. The next
   * call to fetchNext() will return false.
   * @param matched If set to true indicates that the
   *                key satisfies search query
  public void fetchCompleted(boolean matched);

   * Returns the IndexKey on which the scan is currently
   * positioned.
  public IndexKey getCurrentKey();

   * Returns the Location associated with the current
   * IndexKey.
  public Location getCurrentLocation();

   * After the scan is completed, the close method
   * should be called to release all resources acquired
   * by the scan.
  public void close();

   * Returns the End of File status of the scan. Once
   * the scan has gone past the last available key in
   * the Index, this will return true.
  public boolean isEof();

Following code snippet, taken from the btreedemo sample, shows how to implement index scans.:

Transaction trx = ...;
IndexContainer indexContainer = ...;
IndexScan scan = indexContainer.openScan(trx, null,
  null, false);
try {
  while (scan.fetchNext()) {
    System.err.println("SCAN NEXT=" + scan.getCurrentKey() +
      "," + scan.getCurrentLocation());
} finally {
  if (scan != null) {

Another example of an index scan can be found in section Deleting a key.